The registers will be marked at 9am. Any child arriving after 9am and before 9.15 will be marked as late. Any pupil arriving after 9.15 will be marked as late after registration (this is classed as an absence and will need an authorising reason for the absence to be authorised).
If pupils are absent for any reason please inform school by 9.30am. We will follow up absent children after this time if we have not had some form of message.
All attendance is checked regularly by the Educational Welfare Officer and any irregularities are followed up by the school and the officer. If you have any issues relating to getting pupils to school, please do not hesitate to contact school and we can work together to overcome the issue.
We do not encourage families to take holidays in term time. We ask that all parents inform us of holidays in term time by completing a holiday form. Holiday will be authorised if attendance is above the school target at the time of request. If attendance is below that target, holiday will be unauthorised.
The school is set an annual target for attendance by the Local Authority each year and works hard to meet this target.
The children achieving 100% attendance through each term will be recognised and receive a certificate. At the end of a school year, all children achieving 100% attendance will be given a special reward.